Wednesday 15 October 2014

Anti Flux - 15/10/14

Hey Guys, Its Dave from Captain Dinosaur here and today i will FINALLY be blogging about our first release, Anti Flux.

Anti Flux is a Defensive-Shoot-em-up where the player aims to destroy as many aggressive viruses as possible to rack up a Hi Score. 
The Title Screen in all its glory!

To help you achieve this there are a number of power ups available that include: A Shield that returns your shield to full power, a Bullet that increases your damage for a short time, a Bolt that freezes the enemies in place and a Wave that creates a wave of destruction that stops all in its path!!

The enemies aren't generated in a set pattern so the player has to be ready for any eventuality and leads to the game being quite reaction based instead of simply remembering when and where enemies appear. Makes the game super hard too (Trust me, I'm the lead programmer and i have an embarrassingly low hi score compared to our testers!)

"Simple and easy to play"  Was definitely the phrase we thought of when initially designing Anti Flux. Myself and Pete (Lead Artist/Creative Dude) had worked on a couple projects for a previous company of ours that got very complicated as the development went on, leading to a mess of ideas and mechanics in the final product. It also left us drained and unwilling to even promote said project.

We didn't want this to happen with Captain Dinosaur Games so the idea for Anti Flux came about from that desire to focus on polish instead of complicated design. The art style was deliberately made using simple shapes and colours in order for us to concentrate on the games fun and playability instead of spending months fine tuning animations or backgrounds.
Wave Goodbye.... The weapon is much better than my Puns...

The game in its entirety took about 4 Months to make from Idea to Google Play Store release. Since then we have released on the iOS App Store and Amazon App Stores as well as adding a bit more content and streamlining the experience overall.

As of writing we have had over 2,700 Downloads so far which is a big step from our previous experience! The hardest part of this project so far has been trying to get it out there for sure. For people that have, before this project, not been big users of social media it has been a big eye opener.

So thats a tiny little insight to the development of Anti Flux! Which you can of course Download for Free from the Links listed below! As for whats next for Captain Dinosaur Games? We are working on a new project that is alot bigger in scope that will be hopefully taking the lid off of soon! As well as trying to improve Anti Flux where we can and get it onto a few more platforms!

Thanks for Reading, Happy gaming!
Dave Bellringer
Lead Programmer/Creative Director
Captain Dinosaur Games
Google Play Store:
Amazon App Store:
iOS App Store:

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